Database Field Management

While the fields in ADAM are reasonably standard, there might be reason for a school to want to edit the headings and order of the fields. Some schools may choose not to use certain fields and would like to streamline the interface so that only the necessary fields appear.

Sensitive Information

With the arrival of the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act in the near future, schools must be able to take responsible care of the data that they are entrusted with.

Managing Core Database Fields

The options for managing the core database fields are found on the Administration tab under the Database Administration heading. Click on Manage core database fields to begin. Choose which fields you want to manage: Pupils, Staff or Families.

A:\Users\Philip\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\big_warning_11.pngRegardless of how you name the fields, be aware that the fields do have specific meaning in ADAM and there might be times where we depend on a core field containing a specific type of information. If the field was meant for, as an example, a name, don’t store other information there ADAM will use that field to address people.

A table of all the available core fields is shown. For each field, there are several options. The following key is provided at the top of the page to remind you:

Managing Custom Database Fields

It is possible to store any other information you wish in ADAM which is not catered for by the core database fields. You can create custom fields for each of the pupils, staff and family data types.

Before you create a new custom field, please speak to the development team to see if it would be best served if that field was a part of the core data!

The options for managing the custom database fields are found on the Administration tab under the Database Administration heading. Click on Manage custom data fields to begin.

Adding a new custom field

At the top of the table of fields is an option to Add a new custom field…. Click on this link to begin the process.

Note that custom fields are always available on “Add” and “Edit” operations.

Save the field once you are finished.

Editing custom fields

You can edit any custom field by clicking on the edit link next to its entry. A description of the fields is provided above.

Deleting custom fields

It is possible to delete the custom field. Note that the table shows the number of times the field has been used. If you delete a custom field, you will lose all the information that it contained.

Managing Scratch List Fields

The options for managing the scratch list fields are found on the Administration tab under the Database Administration heading. Click on Manage scratch list fields to begin.

Choose which type of scratch list fields you want to manage and click on the edit button.

Once you’re done editing these options, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.