Profile Overview Customisation

ADAM allows each school and, potentially, each staff member, to update the overview screens for staff, pupils and families as required.

Those with the necessary privileges will see an “edit this page” option to the top right of the profile screen as shown below on the example pupil profile:

Assigning the Privileges to Staff

There are six privileges in total to allow for the customisation of the screens, divided into two categories:

  1. The ability to personalise one’s own profile page for each of “staff”, “pupils”, and “families”.
  2. Then there is also the option to edit the default profile page for each of “staff”, “pupils” and “families”.

A:\Users\Philip\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\big_warning_11.pngThe default page is the view that all staff members will see unless they’ve customised their own overview page.

It would be feasible to allow most teachers the privileges to customise their own overview screens if they want to.

A:\Users\Philip\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\big_warning_11.pngNote that they can only ever get access to the information that has been allowed for them to view via the scratch list privileges.

To assign the privileges, open the privileges view of the appropriate staff group and under “Pupil Admin”, “Staff Admin” or “Family Admin”, look for the Overview heading. Then assign the appropriate privileges:

Note that, as normal, a site administrator will automatically get access to the ability to edit the default page and their own page.

Changing the Overview Page

If you click on the edit this page link, ADAM will take you to the overview editing page. Note that if you have privileges to edit both the default page and your own page, ADAM will stop to ask you which page you wish to edit:

The first option on this screen allows you to choose between “My layout” and the “Default layout”.

Make the appropriate choice and click on Edit layout.

The process of editing a default vs a personal layout are identical. The only difference is that when editing a personal layout, ADAM will give you the option of reverting that layout to the default layout by deleting your personalisation options.

The top left option allows you to add a new block to the screen. Note that this block is added to the bottom of the list.

Within each block are three options to change the position (moving it up and down) and remove it entirely from the screen. No confirmation will be required here, but if you have made a mistake, don’t save your work!

Then, within each block, are several options.

A:\Users\Philip\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\big_warning_11.pngThe appearance and arrangement of these blocks on the actual page will, of course, depend on the contents of those blocks. ADAM will attempt to arrange them as best as it can. Thus, be aware that this screen may not be a perfect representation! But you are welcome to come back and change the order of the blocks if you need to.

Note that its appearance is Red and its field list contains a single field. This will show as follows on the overview screen:

When done, click on the Save button.

Reverting a personalised overview screen to the default view

A user can choose to revert their view to the default view at any point. To do this they should click on the edit this page link. On the customisation page, they should click on the option reset this view to the default.

Note that no confirmation is asked for and the view will automatically be reverted to the default settings.

If the person leaves the page now, without clicking on the Save button at the bottom, their view will continue to follow the default view and will reflect any changes that are made to the default view as they are made. If they do, however, save this view, they will have a personalised copy of the default which will not update if changes are made.