Sign-up Module

The Sign-up module is designed to allow staff, pupils and parents the ability to sign up for lists, events and appointments. The sign-up module has the following data structure:

Here is an example of how this might translate into real-life - using the same colour coding as above:

As can be seen in these examples, it is possible to have a wide variety of appointment types – some are time-dependent and others are not.

Terminology: Event Categories vs Events vs Appointments

These three terms are easily confused. ADAM and this documentation makes very specific use of them. We have used them to represent a hierarchical structure. The top level being “Event Category” and the bottom level being “Appointment”.

Every event must have an element of all three. It might seem odd that an “Event” should have “Appointments”, particularly if the event is a once-off occasion. However, in order to be consistent in our handling of the many different possibilities, this is a strange anomaly that exists. However, don’t worry: if you understand that a once-off event must have an appointment, then you are most of the way to understanding how it all fits together. ADAM will guide you through the process of adding events and appointments, with some guidance about which options to choose.

Here are some examples to illustrate the differences to you.

Managing Event Categories

On the “Pupils” tab, under the “Sign Ups” heading, click on the option to “Manage event categories”.

Adding a new Signup Category

At the top of the page, click on the “Add new Sign-up Category” link.

The fields have the following meanings:

Click on “Save this Sign-up Category” to save it.

Once saved, you should be taken back to the “Sign-up Categories” list shown above. Click on the “events” option in the table next to the new category.

Creating Events

This will display any events that have been created for this category. Because ours is still new, it shows nothing. Click on the link “Add a new event”.

The fields on this page are explained as follows:

Please note that only future appointments count towards a pupil’s limit. If an appointment passes, it will no longer count towards the pupil’s limit and they may be able to sign up for further appointments. If you wish to avoid this, then all bookings should be set to close before the first appointment takes place.

For example, it may be necessary for the pupil’s Home Room Teacher to approve sign up to an extension activity. In this case, one would choose “Approval by another subject teacher required” and in the “Approving Subject Teacher” dropdown, choose the “Home Room” subject. When a pupil signed up for this event, an email would be sent to their Home Room teacher requesting their approval. The subject that is in this list is otherwise ignored.

Click on the “Save this event” button.

Creating Appointment Slots

After saving a new event, you are automatically taken to this screen:

This screen allows you to choose the type of appointment you require. There are four options. Each displays slightly different information and is displayed slightly differently to the user. Use the descriptions to guide you to which appointment type would best suit your needs.

We will work through each example:

Team sign-up

Below the table is an option to “Add a new appointment”. Clicking on this will duplicate the row, including the signup start and end dates. Before you add new appointments, set the sign-up start and end times to appropriately before you add new appointments!

Use the “del” option on any row to remove the appointment, except that ADAM won’t let you remove the last row in the appointment table. Every event must have at least one appointment in order to be useful!

Here is an example of what a “Team sign-up” set of appointments may look like:

Notice that the limits on each appointment are entirely independent of each other. In this example, each activity has approximately one week to sign up for the activities, with each providing a limit to the number of spaces available for that. Only 10 people, for example, can sign up for “Sky Diving”.

Once-off Event

This is a single event which generally has a time and date associated with it, but which happens only once. This might be attending a specific presentation or activity.

With this particular appointment type, there is no option to add a second appointment.

Daily Signup

This option allows you to create similar appointments on successive days.

For this particular type of appointment, a description is not necessary since it will be possible to distinguish between the appointments based on their date. Notice that here there is only a date for the appointment and no time, since it is assumed that the time is either constant or irrelevant to the sign-up.

Clicking on the “Add next day” option will add a new appointment for the next weekday date. It will also advance the sign-up end date by a day also, but keep the signup start date the same. In the example below, on the second entry, ADAM kept the sign-up start date for the event the same (2 Feb), but changed the end date to a day later (9 Feb).

Clicking on the option for “Add for rest of reporting period” will again add in options for all weekday appointments from the last date in the form until the end of the reporting period.

If you wish to add in weekend appointments, these can be done manually at the bottom of the form. It does not matter that these might be out of order. Simply click on “Add next day” (which will add a “week day”) and then change the date of that appointment to be a weekend.

Additionally, if you wish to delete certain appointments (e.g. no Fridays), then this must also be done manually by clicking on the “del” option next to the rows that you don’t want. Each event must have at least one appointment, so you won’t be able to delete the last entry.

Multiple Daily Appointments

This option allows you to set starting and finishing times for your appointment and to add in consecutive appointments based on the previously entered appointment. Here is an example of an appointment slot for pupil meetings:

By clicking on the “add a new consecutive appointment” option, ADAM will create a new appointment that starts where the previous one ends and for the same duration as the previous appointment. Note that it does not affect the signup start or end time:

If, however, you click on the option “Add next day”, ADAM will add in a new appointment for the next day, but at the same time as the last appointment. The signup ending time is also changed:

Therefore you may have to adjust the appointment time before adding in new consecutive appointments.

Once you’re happy with your appointments, click on “Save appointments”. Importantly, nothing is saved until you click on that button.

Clicking on the option “see the list of appointments for this event” will show you the list of appointments we created:

Next to each option, the number of people that are signed up for the event are shown, and the options to edit or cancel the event.

To see a list of people who are attending the event, click on the number of attendees.

To edit the appointment, click on the “edit” link. CURRENTLY THIS DOES NOT WORK.

To cancel the appointment, click on the “cancel” link. Any pupils who might already have signed up for this appointment will receive an email notifying them that the appointment has been cancelled.

We navigated through all the screens above by creating a new event. If you need to get back to any of them, use the menu items on the “Pupils” tab under the “Sign Ups” heading.

Signing Pupils Up for an Event

Staff members can sign up pupils for events, and pupils can sign themselves up for events. Note that both staff and pupils will require privileges to access these sections. Information on how to set up staff privileges is available, as is information on how to assign pupil privileges.

Individual Pupils

Navigate to the pupil’s profile and click on the “Sign-Up” link:

The top of the page shows any recent and upcoming events that the pupil has signed up for. Notice that for the last one, the pupil has signed up for it, but approval for the event is still pending.

Below this is a list of all sign-up events that the pupil can sign up for. Click on the “sign up” link next to any even to sign up.

Note that future appointments, for which bookings are not yet open, are shown, indicating when bookings will open and for how long. No sign up link is available for these.

If a pupil is already signed up for an event, they will see “cancel” next to the event. This will remove their names from the list.

Appointments that are full, and have no more space left, also have no option to sign up. Also note that if an event has a limit for the number of appointments that a pupil can sign up for, once they reach that limit all other appointments in that event are closed to them. If they cancel one appointment, however, they will then be able to sign up for another.

By Class

Navigate to the Classes tab and under the Sign Ups heading, click on the option Sign up for an event by class.

Choose an event category, then the event and finally the appointment. The choose the class for which you want to sign up pupils. Note that if an event has specifically had classes specified for it, then only those classes will be available in the dropdown list.

Finally, click on the sign up link next to a pupil’s name to sign them up for the appointment.

If there is a limit to the number of pupils that can sign up to the appointment, the sign up links will disappear when the limit is reached.

Also be aware that in spite of a page reporting that an event has a number of spaces available, this does not take into account other staff members who might be signing up pupils concurrently.

On the Pupil Portal

When pupils log in to the pupil portal, if they have been given permissions to access the sign-up module, they will click through to see all the available appointments that they can sign up for. They simply need to click on the sign up link next to the appointments that they wish to sign up for.